Tiger Woods Voicemail to Jamie Grubbs - Listen to Audio
This is the voicemail that Tiger Woods allegedly left on the voicemail of Jamie Grubbs, a woman he allegedly had a 31-month affair with.
This is the voicemail that Tiger Woods allegedly left on the voicemail of Jamie Grubbs, a woman he allegedly had a 31-month affair with.
This is audio/video of an Indian-American caught cheating by his wife. This actually happened "live" on air and is not pre-arranged or acting. Simply put, the dude got caught.
Audio of a woman caught cheating by her man. She pretty much got 'busted'.
This is the continuation of a woman recounting how her friend's husband cheated and what events took place thereafter.
This woman recounts what her best friend is going through with her cheating husband. Make sure you check for part 2 of this true recount.
If our readers recall, we profiled Maryann Dirden and Osagie Ogbedie a few months back. Osagie Ogbeide was caught cheating on a girlfriend with a married woman by the name of Maryann Dirden (aka Maryann Dirden-Sonaike, Maryann Dirden-Kyari). Maryann in the same note was lying to her husband, friends and family about what she was really doing in the state of Maryland. Maryann Dirden was in Maryland living a promiscuous life, though she led her husband to believe she was away from their home in Toronto working as a travel nurse.
Maryann Dirden created a "fraudulent" second life for herself in Maryland by having a "lover", then embracing a new circle of friends of mostly Nigerian background. She also befriended many friends and family members of Osagie Ogbeide. These circle of friends may or may not be fully aware of Maryann Dirden's true colors. Maryann Dirden may have siphoned almost USD $1million in marital assets she has with her husband in Canada and may have defrauded Canadian and American financial institutions of over USD $100,000.
In light of the rampant infidelity that we see happening nowadays and even with high profile public personalities..........you learn that looks truly can be deceiving.
Now we have gotten additional photos that Maryann Dirden posted herself on several "swingers" websites. Maryann Dirden seems to live an active "swinger" lifestyle, dates a variety of men and women, and participates in very graphic sexual acts and orgies. We shall refrain from showing those very graphic pics, but will provide you with links to photos of Maryann Dirden at a Houston, Texas swingers party. Click on the links below:
Maryann Dirden at Houston, Texas Swingers Party
Maryann Dirden at Houston, Texas Swingers Party - part 2
Maryann Dirden at Houston, Texas Swingers Party - part 3
Maryann Dirden at Houston, Texas Swingers Party - part 4
Maryann Dirden at Houston Texas Swingers Party - part 5
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and his Steamy Email Correspondence with "Maria" his Argentine Lover.
Gov. Mark Sanford admitted Wednesday that he had secretly flown to Argentina to visit a woman with whom he was having an affair. Wiping away tears, he apologized to his family and gave up a national Republican Party post, but was silent on whether he would resign.
"I've been unfaithful to my wife," he said in a news conference in which the 49-year-old governor ruminated on God's law, moral absolutes and following one's heart. He said he spent the last five days "crying in Argentina."
He said that he had met the woman, who he did not name, roughly eight years ago and that it had become romantic within the last year. He visited her three times during the past year, Sanford said, and noted that his wife, Jenny, had been aware of the affair for the past five months.
Sanford, who in recent months had been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2012, said he would resign as head of the Republican Governors Association.
You can read the full email correspondence between Gov. Mark Sanford and his lover from thestate.com news site link below:
Governor Mark Sanford Emails to Lover
Social networking sites are ever so popular among young and old crowds these days, and they are also a breeding ground for an extramarital relationship. Everybody has a MySpace page and a Facebook wall, and there are a number of other social networking sites out there on the internet. Yes, it's okay to be sociable to some extent, but it can quickly turn into an unfaithful situation. When you first met your spouse they had a MySpace page, and you may have met them through that very medium. You never put any thought into it, but don't you think it's possible for them to 'meet' someone again? Even if you guys got together through the old school method of dating, you know, the normal face to face, we just happened to bump into each other and spoke type thing, social networking could still be a hazard to your marriage. You felt like it was okay for your spouse to keep their social networking profiles, of course, because you have your own. But what if you don't know about one or two your spouse may have created? Cheating spouses have been known to do that very thing, and there really is no way to tell just by normal speculation. Social networking sites don't limit the number of accounts you have, all you need is a valid email address. It's really easy to meet people, even in your own area, and 'add' them as your friends. Some people go to places like MySpace to just have fun and chat with other people who have like interests. But, there are a lot of singles hanging out in places like that, and they are on the hunt for a date. Because of this, social networking sites have become somewhat of a problem for married couples, and that harmless profile might lead to an extramarital relationship. Although, it's usually not intentional, men and women tend to get a thrill out of meeting new people who take an interest in them. They appreciate the flattery, and depending on the circumstance of their marriage, it may lead them to fall much harder. Now, there are those who use social networking as a means of actually meeting people to cheat, and if you have any worries that your spouse might be one of them, you should definitely look into it. If you have fears that your spouse may be having an extramarital relationship, you will need the assistance of an expert private investigator. They will be able to find out where your spouse has profiles, and if they are in fact using social networking to cheat. Make sure the you hire a PI that's experienced in infidelity investigations as they will be able to provide the most accurate results, and they will cover all bases so that all of your concerns are addressed. Not only that, but they will do so discreetly, so your spouse will never know that they are being investigated. And anytime you have a cheater on your hands, you want to be sure NOT to tip them off. So if there's something to be uncovered, a dating service investigation would be your way to go.
Since its inception, Google Street View, which gives viewers a 360-degree, street-level view of certain desired locations, has provided numerous, disturbing images of people caught in the middle of illegal and illicit activities. According to The Sun, an English woman recently learned of her husband's infidelity while using the Google application, noticing his Range Rover (identifiable thanks to its custom rims) parked outside of a female friend's house.
While the image has not been identified to the public, and neither spouse has commented, attorney Mark Stephens confirmed the story to The Sun. He also said that the phenomenon is not uncommon: "I was talking about the Range Rover case when another divorce lawyer came up to say his firm was dealing with the same sort of thing." Such tales are not surprising, considering the rising number of public complaints that the service is an invasion of privacy. Google, for its part, does blur faces in the images of some locales, but that comes as no relief to people, like the Range Rover owner, who are caught in the act by different measures.
As Street View becomes a global Neighborhood Watch, people must take care to protect their privacy, especially if they're doing something which might be shameful or embarrassing.
Kelis Blasts Nas on Cheating
The singer and pregnant wife of hip hop's Nas is blasting men who cheat on their wives on Twitter.
Kelis, who is divorcing Nas, is blasting men who cheat on Twitter, leading many followers to believe that cheating must be the reason for the couple's sudden divorce.
Kelis took to her twitter page to put soon to be ex-husband Nas on full blast. She encourages more women who are victims of infidelity to blame the husbands more than the other woman; while also saying that both parties are "stupid and pitiful".
For Kelis' part her and her lawyer are fighting claims that she starred in her very own sex tape claiming the infamous, "it wasn't me" story. So until she proves beyond a doubt it wasn't her, sympathy on Nas' infidelity will be hard to come by. We need all the facts to make a full judgement, right?
Check out Kelis' Tweet after the jump!
Kelis Twitters: "This lovely day I would like to touch on cheaters. Super brief! Why be cowardly? Why not go after what you really want? Do people know what they want? Probably not which just goes into know and respecting ones self. Also we can discuss whores I mean the nasty subpar tricks that participate in the cheating. Well let me say this, both parties are gross. And in reality they deserve each other."
"All the scum bag coward husbands and the less then impressive sluts unite! You can all go down in flames together! Hooray! Who's disgusted and bitter? Not I said the cat!"
"I have no patients for any of it but the problem is women usually blame the women. I am here to say the husband is way more at fault, now of course the woman/women who partake are stupid and pitiful. An honestly I will say its expected from younger girls 23 and under, but after that I do think as women we need to take more responsibility. Men are driven by something different then we are."
What do you think - did Nas cheat on Kelis?
Cheating in our society has become very prevalent. It is like the white elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. It is nothing new. For as long as monogamous relationships have been around, infidelity has co-existed. Technology, more specifically, the internet has become a double edged sword. It allows us to be more productive to communicate online with friends, family, and loved ones who are near and far. However, it also allows us to communicate with strangers just as easily. Sometimes, this communication starts out innocent enough but soon leads to cheating and infidelity.
Before the internet, those who wanted to cheat had a tough time communicating with their lover. The home phone was almost out of the question. Even today, using a cell phone is risky. Even if the outbound calls or incoming calls from the cheating partner are deleted, the cell phone bill will expose strange names and numbers to your significant other.
Letters were too dangerous as the written proof of the infidelity could be discovered too easily. Meeting at the workplace was too risky; people at work would know that was not your significant other and could blow the whistle. Even meeting at a set place and time was risky because you could get caught by someone who knew that was not your significant other.
The internet allows those who want to cheat, a more ample opportunity to do so and not be suspected as easily. The internet has become commonplace in almost every home. It is almost a necessity. Email and internet chat are practically anonymous. Your significant other could easily set up an email account which you would have no knowledge of. There are many places to chat online.
So, it may appear your significant other is spending those long, late, nights doing work. However, they may be chatting with or emailing their lover. The internet would allow your significant other to communicate with their lover, and you wouldn't even know it. You would just presume they were online all night because they were working. Meanwhile, they were typing sweet nothings to their lover, or setting up the time and place for their next meeting.
It is important to understand that not everyone who goes online is chatting to strangers who are potential lovers, or setting up meetings with their current lover. If your significant other is up all night on the computer, chances are, they are doing work. I wrote this article not to raise paranoia or fear, but rather to educate. It is important to realize that the internet may be used to carry on infidelity or cheating right under your nose, and you did not even suspect it.
Dealing with infidelity is one of the most difficult things you may ever do. There are few things quite so gut wrenching as discovering that your beloved mate has been cheating on you. When you first make that awful discovery, it may seem as if nothing will ever be the same in your life again. How will you be able to trust anyone when the one you loved the most was unfaithful?
Whether you and your partner decide to stay together or separate after an affair, you'll need help dealing with the infidelity. Speaking to a counselor can be a tremendous help in this regard. A counselor can help you understand that the infidelity was not your fault and that you're not the only one who has experienced this.
Dealing with Infidelity Is Hard but Possible
It's also important to stay connected to family and friends during this period. Though you're not going to feel like being around other people for a while, it's vital that you don't withdraw. The support and encouragement of your loved ones is one of the keys to dealing with infidelity. The more you isolate yourself, the more you're going to dwell on the situation, which isn't good for your state of mind.
Osagie Ogbeide, who is of Nigerian background was caught by from last count, 3 of his girlfriends online cheating on them. One such girlfriend caught Osagie Ogbeide cheating on her with Maryann Dirden when she claims that Maryann Dirden added her as a friend on a famous social networking website, and voila! she was able to see photos of her boyfriend, Osagie Ogbeide in compromising photos and positions with a woman by the name of Maryann Dirden on the woman's Facebook 'wall'.
Other women have claimed that Osagie Ogbeide has been cheating on them numerous times and all point to Maryann Dirden. These women have made it their mission to expose both Osagie Ogbeide and Maryann Dirden. As they say,"Hell harth no fury like a woman scorned." Sure enough, Osagie Ogbeide's cheating ways are being exposed all over the internet...on online forums, social networks, emails, blogs, and instant messaging chatrooms.
This story also has a twist because not only is Osagie Ogbeide cheating on these numerous women because he seems to be quite the player, but Maryann Dirden, the woman whom he is cheating with is married and has one child. It is not known if Maryann Dirden's husband is aware of his wife cheating on him with a known Cassanova, but it is only a matter of time before he knows if he uses the internet himself because this news is spreading "virally"..........with the speed of light.
Maryann Dirden is a Registered Nurse living in Pearland, Texas, and Osagie Ogbeide is also living in Pearland, Texas in the house of what is being said is Maryann Dirden's matrimonial home that was purchased as a 2nd home by her real life husband.
Photos of Osagie Ogbeide and Maryann Dirden captured from their social networking website pages by Osagie's girlfriends are making the rounds on the internet. Some photos show Maryann Dirden and her current husband's wedding photos. We have been able to capture some of these photos and present it to you our world audience(unfiltered)...so that you can see the faces of 'Cheaters Caught Online':
Photos of Osagie Ogbeide and Maryann Dirden Cheating....
Below are photos of Maryann Dirden and her current husband
True Story by Carla...
"I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me by reading his facebook account. He had messages from one girl in particular saying she couldnt wait to get back in bed with him.
I confronted him and told him he did not log out and that was how i saw! he wormed his way around it saying it was a one off. I let him off. A few months later, i started to doubt him.
So i checked his facebook account. He had copied and pasted an email to random girls in the area saying how he hoped they didn't mind but that he thought they were really pretty.
Some girls just said thanks, others said sorry they were married etc but a few have responded. One in particular who has responded to my partner and they have sent a few emails back and forth- my boyfriend has told them he is single, and they are arranging to meet up this weekend and go for a meal or for a drink!!
I am stuck as while i am furious and want to dump him, I am worried of the reaction as I do love him and hacking into his private account is wrong and will make him angry.
Unfortunately I am away this weekend- convenient for him!! so not sure if i should say before and not care what he thinks of me going into his personal account or also should i wait and see if they do actually meet up and read the emails on my return??"
Rome, Italy -
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and if that woman is Italian you had better watch out even more as a silly Facebook user found out this week.
Antonio M. (as he's been dubbed by the Italian press) from Rome was stupid enough to put a photo of himself nestling between the chesticles of an unknown girl up on Facebook. When his girlfriend found out it’s safe to say that she was none too pleased.
Valeria A. (the woman scorned) and a friend made posters of the offending photo accompanied by the message "Thank goodness there's Facebook! At least I've discovered you're a traitor pig before the wedding" and stuck them up all over the neighbourhood where young Antonio works and lives.
A British woman got revenge -- and the last laugh -- on her boyfriend, after she found out he was using his MySpace.com page to cheat on her.
Through the page, Sam Deakin found out that her boyfriend was having an affair with one woman and trying to date another 20. Herself a website designer, she hacked into his account and completely changed the appearance of his page.
After she was through with it, the page's welcome note read, "I'm a pathological liar. I cheat regularly." She then mimicked the Mastercard TV commercial by writing, "Dinner in a posh restaurant...$100. Night in a top hotel...$200. Finding out your boyfriend is a lying scumbag and changing his MySpace page so everyone can see...PRICELESS."
To top it off, she changed his password so he couldn't change what she had done.
On his page, Sam discovered a conversation between her boyfriend and another woman which he asked, "You, me, handcuffs, whipped-cream. How about it?"
The site received more than 250,000 hits in five days with women calling the man a "total loser".
Sam said, "I wanted to show him up for who he is."
The site has been closed by MySpace.
MySpace remains one of the most popular social networking sites on the internet next to Facebook. While it can be a great way to keep up with friends, it can also be a way for people to hook up in terms of dating and starting relationships. Many people even find old flames on MySpace. Are you finding suspicious comments on your boyfriend's MySpace page?
Have you noticed a new person leaving comments on a daily basis or more often than usual? There is a difference between funny comments and ones that are blatantly flirtatious. Before you lose your cool, you can go through the comments on both your boyfriend's page as well as the person leaving them. If the person leaving the comments has their profile set to private, there really isn't much you can do. At least you have what they have written as evidence.
The next thing you want to do is examine the comments and be sure that you are not mistaken them for more than they really are. If you feel sure that they are too flirtatious then it is a good idea to keep them as evidence. You can do this by taking screenshots of your boyfriend's comments and saving them on the computer.
I know it may sound like you are spying or doing something secretive behind his back but if he is cheating on you, don't you want proof? After you have saved screenshots of those comments, you have a few more options to consider:
1. You can take the evidence you have and immediately confront him about it.
2. You can continue collecting evidence such as text messages, voicemails, etc.
3. Learn how to spy on him using his computer, read deleted text messages, as well as know exactly what to say when you're ready to confront him.
It's the dramatic moment stunned Shelley Buddington caught her cheating fella in bed -with her half-naked MUM.
After snapping the sleazy panic-stricken pair on her mobile phone Shelley posted the damning picture on her Facebook internet page for the world to see.
And she told us: "Some might think putting it on the website is an evil thing to do. But is it worse than being betrayed by your mother and boyfriend? I don't think so!.......
Continue reading Girl Catches Boyfriend in Bed with Her Mother
Facebooking may be a great way to meet strangers but it could also give you the shock of your life. That's what happened with Michelle Westby, 21, when she looked at a stranger's photos on Facebook only to find her own boyfriend cheating. The receptionist and part-time model had clicked on fellow model Toni Colville's album to get ideas for her fashion poses, reports the Sun.
She then decided to take a peek at Toni's holiday photos and discovered images of her cuddling Jason Jennings-Brown, 23, who Michelle had been dating for six months.
Through the social networking site, Michelle got to know that the love rat had been two-timing her with unsuspecting Toni, 21.
And Michelle, from Stevenage, Herts, fears he may have duped other women.
She said: "Toni had some great pictures. Scrolling through them I saw she had an album entitled 'Holiday in Egypt', which I opened. I admit looking at the personal pictures was sheer nosiness, but what else is Facebook for?
"Clicking through them my hand suddenly froze over the mouse. Staring back was my boyfriend, Jason, with his arms around this pretty stranger.
She added: "I felt sick and couldn't believe it. What are the chances of looking at a total stranger's pictures and seeing your boyfriend cheating in them?"
Often times, a woman's intuition is quite accurate. Chances are that if you suspect your boyfriend is cheating on you, he probably is. But before you call your lawyer or if you think you're just being paranoid, check out these signs of cheating boyfriend:
If your boyfriend exhibits any of these signs it may mean he is cheating on you.
Do you think your boyfriend is cheating with someone online? He could be using e-mail, instant messaging or internet chat rooms to communicate with his lover on the internet while you are away or in another room. Internet talks can be much easier to get away with than an actual phone conversation.
One of the best ways to keep track of your boyfriends online activities is to use one of the many key logger software options that are available today.Osagie Ogbeide moved to Pearland, Texas in the Spring of 2008 to live in the new house of a married woman by the name of Maryann Dirden-Kyari that he is currently having an adulterous relationship with. There has been lots of talk in the Nigerian community in Houston about this ongoing relationship……….and we have noticed quite a buzz on a few Nigerian Online Forums regarding these two pairs.
Basically, the story is that Maryann Dirden and Osagie Ogbeide were having an adulterous relationship with one another for over 5 years without her husband’s or family or friends knowledge. They tried to keep things on the down-low, but as they say……..you can never keep ’secrets’ forever.
Osagie Ogbeide and Maryann Dirden moved to Pearland, Texas together……..and according from reports we hear in Pearland, Texas from other residences that are there and are familiar with the story, Maryann’s husband bought the Pearland Texas home as a second house for their matrimonial use, but Maryann Dirden then subsequently moved Osagie Ogbeide into the house. Maryann’s husband may not know of this because he resides full time in Toronto Canada and usually travels once in a while to the US, and Maryann visits their Toronto home often according to sources. The first house that Maryann Dirden has with her husband is in Canada. Her husband resides in Canada and does not seem to know what his wife has been up to.
Maryann has created a second fraudulent life whereby she seems to have alluded to people that Osagie Ogbeide is her man/husband. Osagie Ogbeide and Maryann Dirden have led even his family into believing that she’s a single woman. Osagie Ogbeide’s family do not know that Maryann Dirden has a history of being a con artist, living double-live, having a promiscuous life by sleeping with men, and has a penchant for lying.
A Nigerian woman living in Pearland, Texas said it best that, "if Maryann’s husband were to find out that Maryann Dirden has her "lover" living in their matrimonial home, then he has the right to have Osagie Ogbeide barred from living in that house or coming close to the premises." The woman was utterly shocked that a married woman would do such a thing and be so bold as to disrespect a husband and family like that.
The woman went on to say that,"In Nigeria, where I come from, Maryann Dirden would be thrashed, called an outcast, looked down upon, and no man would ever want a woman who sleeps around or steals from her husband or family".
Maryann Dirden, A Registered ICU Nurse at MD Anderson Cancer Center, has also been observed dating other men while she was in Maryland by people who lived in her previous neighborhood of SandyPoint Court.
Osagie Ogbeide has an interesting background, is himself a Nigerian from Edo tribe….. and people who know him from Hayward, California and the Washington DC/Maryland area have always been suspicious of his activities in their neighborhoods. Maryann Dirden and Osagie Ogbeide may well be partners in crime when it comes to fraud.
What fraud are we talking about? Well, we are talking about:
* Marital Fraud
* Bank Fraud
* Credit Card Fraud
* Check Fraud
* 419 Fraud/Scams